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yVaults V3



V3 Vaults are the newest, shiniest yVaults. More flexibility, better security, more Yearn goodness!

Yearn's v3 yVaults are a decentralized suite of yield-generating products built to fit any need. They are designed to be un-opinionated and customizable infrastructure for the world to build on, making yield generation as safe, efficient, and easy as possible for all parties.

Version 3 of yVaults iterates on Version 2 by increasing its robustness and developing Yearn’s path towards further decentralization, while keeping the same proven product (yield-bearing tokens). Version 3 has all the same functionality as Version 2, but with many more added benefits and improvements to continue to grow the Yearn ecosystem.

V3 also introduces "Tokenized Strategies"; Strategies that are capable of being standalone 4626 vaults themselves. These single-strategy vaults can be used as stand-alone vaults or easily added as a strategy to a Multi-Strategy Vaults.


v3 yVault Improvements

Version 3 of yVaults improves on Version 2 by:

  • Increasing vault modularity, allowing for smaller and safer pieces of code.
  • Simplifying strategy creation, empowering strategists and reducing the chance for errors.
  • Providing additional strategy functionality by implementing the Tokenized Strategy.
  • Adopting ERC-4626 compatibility for easy integrations.
  • Decreasing gas costs to report profits and update debts.
  • Adding new product and vault types.

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V3 developer docs:

